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Do the pedals come with a power supply?No, the pedals do not come with their own power supply. Why? Because it's increasingly common for people to own PSUs with multiple outlets and connections and do not need individual PSUs anymore. Add to that the cost of relatively high quality multi socket PSUs is ever decreasing. If a single PSU was included with each pedal everyone would have to pay an additional €15+ for a PSU that half of customers would not need. In our experience, leaving it out means less electrical waste and smaller costs to the customers which we think is better all round. If you'd like some help finding the right PSU and are unsure about anything, please feel free to drop us a line directly.
Which power supply works with my new pedal?All pedals we produce will work with a standard Boss / 1 Spot style 2.1mm barrel, 9V negative tip, positive ring, DC power adapter.
Can I use this pedal on bass / synth / glockenspiel?Yes. You can put anything into anything. You might not like it, but that's just a matter of taste. Some instruments and sounds will work nicer (for your ears) than others.
Is this pedal true bypass?The External / Internal & The Lover are True Bypass, yes. Falling Man uses a Jfet switch so that you can enjoy delay trails, so no.
Should this pedal rock this hard?Yes, thank you for asking.
Is the gating effect normal when engaging the green channel?Yes. It's intentional and we think it makes for a very unique, interesting fuzz sound and overall playing experience.
Can I fiddle with this trimpot inside my pedal?I would strongly suggest leaving the LFO BIAS trimpot alone. It affects the max speed of the LFO. The MOD BIAS trimpot however controls the amount of self mod. If you feel like it's always a bit too much or too little then get inside and have a fiddle. Anti clockwise - less. Clockwise - more. Going extreme left means no more self mod. Too far right and your affected signal will collapse and disappear. You can simply turn it further left and it'll come back when it's ready.
There is a level jump when I turn on the green channel, is that normal?Yes. It will jump in volume as electrically it's boosting the first op amp to the nth degree and turning your signal into a colossal squareish wave monster. It's the Beauty and the Beast, the Jekyl and Hyde, The External vs. The Internal. Which is which is up to you? ;)

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