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  • As he fell from the sky he noticed a bonfire beneath him, just his luck. Desperately he scrambled and tried flinging himself in another direction, but low and behold, there he landed smack bang in the middle of the largest bonfire he'd ever seen.

    Luckily a boyscout was nearby and pulled him from the fire with a pair of metal tongs. Sadly it was too late for his beautiful white jacket that he had on and all that remained was his charred shell. The fire is long gone except for the last few embers that burn inside of him which he's kept as a reminder not to fly too close to the sun.

    I've put him on the workbench, cleaned him up and he's stronger than ever. Would you be willing to re-home him for another time around?

    Based around a 2399 delay chip, the pedal starts life as a simple delay effect, with 'Stride' (delay time) and 'Pace' (feedback amount) but from there one can engage the 'Fall' control (input envelope following modulation) to invoke and increase the strength of gravity as it pulls your signal ever closer and more comprehensively to the ground. 

    'Stumble' keeps the Man above ground. 'Trip' however breaks the Man through the floor and into the dark unknown depths of a catacomb below. With Fall engaged you hear the ghostly broken echos and reflections of feverish yell as he falls into the hollow.


    280,00 €Price
    • // PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE \\ Only use the following power supply or you will break your pedal.

      Power - 9V Standard 2.1mm (-) negative centre

      Weight - 395g

      Current Draw - 100ma



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