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Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 21.11.48.png
  • 'Re-entry' has just returned from a very long trip indeed. But for just how long? It's still unclear. It appears the mission was unknown by the relevant authorities.


    He got a little burnt up on re-entry hence the burn marks, and his usual colourful cheeks became pale with the motion sickness.


    This one is yet unexplained though. Was he on his own? Perhaps there's more of them? Even though the parachute deployed and the final touchdown was soft, he's not spoken a word since landing.

    Based around a 2399 delay chip, the pedal starts life as a simple delay effect, with 'Stride' (delay time) and 'Pace' (feedback amount) but from there one can engage the 'Fall' control (input envelope following modulation) to invoke and increase the strength of gravity as it pulls your signal ever closer and more comprehensively to the ground. 

    'Stumble' keeps the Man above ground. 'Trip' however breaks the Man through the floor and into the dark unknown depths of a catacomb below. With Fall engaged you hear the ghostly broken echos and reflections of feverish yell as he falls into the hollow.


    280,00 €Price
    • // PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE \\ Only use the following power supply or you will break your pedal.

      Power - 9V Standard 2.1mm (-) negative centre

      Weight - 395g

      Current Draw - 100ma



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